Thursday, January 19, 2017 (Links to an external site.)

       Students will repeat and write what they read or hear, which can perpetuate stereotypes and marginalize people, just as Adichi had a propensity to only create her characters with the British, western view about which she had read.Labels only define people by one single trait, and once in place, they make it difficult for an individual to believe that a person can do anything else but fit that mold.The media can create specific, marginalizing images and preconceived notions of certain places and peoples. Adichie's roommate felt pity for her before they had met, simply because Adichi was from Nigeria, and the roommate had only seen stories of immense hardship and poverty. Stories are based on power, not only who tells them, but the ability of a storyteller to make their view the only one. According to Adichie, “The problem with stereotypes is that they aren’t true, it’s that they are incomplete.” Single stories highlight differences instead of bringing people together. Stories can diminish but also empower. Individuals should be exposed to a variety of images and stories of various places, to help diminish the single story.